Child labor awareness means to tel the people about the child labor the people many are
not what is the meaning of child labor. Child labor is main cause of our distroyment.the numbers of the child labor in the world.
- In the devoloped industrialized countries the numbers of child labour is 2.5 million
- In the trnsition economies the number of child labour is 2.4 million
- In the subsaharan africa the numbers ofr the child labour is 48 million
- In the asia child labour quantity is very high against all over the world the quntity in the asia is 127.3 million
- In the Latin America and and the caribbean is the 17.4
- In the middle East And North Africa 14.3 million
If we are follow this instruction so we know the numbers of the child labour ia very high especially in asia. In the future these numbers are increase.We should we are stop this.
Child Labour Effects
What is reason by child labour?Some peoples not know about this . The numbers of child labour are very high quntity in all over the world.Especially in asian countries like india ; Pakistan , Bangladesh and Srilanka.
CHILD LABOR In our country and all over the world 30% childrens are work in agriculture ,08% work in manufacture , 08% work in retail , 07% work in social services , 05% work in
transport , 03 % work in construction , 30% work in mini.